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                  Here we are again and today iI thought we would talk a little Here we are again and today iI thought we would talk a little about the misunderstood META TAG and how they are constructed and what they might include.
                First we should begin with the description of a meta tag and a finished product.
                                   1.<meta name="googlebot" content="noarchive">

                With this meta tag Google will not be able to display any cached content,but it is said that Google does not use or recognize meta tags, it is also said that Google may obey a set few.

                Look closely at the construction of this meta tag and it will become apparent how you could construct many of your own.  
                Their are four META TAGS maybe five that Google might obey.
The next description involves your page description and how Google may use it, without a META TAG, and with one.                               

                                  2.<meta name="googlebot" content="nosnippet">
If you use this one it is said that Google won't take a snippet out of your page with ofcourse one of your KEYWORDS in it,and they usually read horribly. Use this one and also put one just like it with your description in it, and keep it at (140) characters or a tad less.

                       3.<meta name="description" content="YOUR PAGE DESCRIPTION">

KEYWORDS meta tag is going to be exactly like these other examples, but instead of the "nosnippet" and "googlebot"- it would look like this. 

                                4.<meta name="keywords" content="YOUR KEYWORDS">
Okay you starting to get the hang of it now. As we continue please know that not all traffic comes from Google and this might be a good reason to maybe included a few META TAGS in your pages of your new website. Make sure not to use anymore that about (nine to twelve keywords) and (keyword phrases) together and make sure they are (comma separated).

There is also an AUTHOR meta tag, but unless you are publishing a paper, I would not worry with this one,it does not need to be in your page's meta tags. But it would look like this.

                               5.<meta name="author" content="YOUR NAME">

The next meta tag is the copyright,and it would look like this.
                               6.<meta name="copyright" CONTENT="YOUR COPYRIGHT">

The next is possibly the most important, because this is what your visitor will see first, and it should be the first you install, this is the 
                                                                "TITLE TAG"
                                           7.<title>free seo advice and links</title>
Make sure you don't exceed (40) characters, and that the arrows are on the outside of your tag, as if they are not this will allow for the title tag to appear in your border.

                         8.<meta name="abstract" content="YOUR ABSTRACT DESCRIPTION">

It will follow about the same rules as your description tag.
                               ORDER TO BE INSTALLED SHOULD BE AS FOLLOWS

                                1.<title>free seo advice and links</title>
                                2.<meta name="keywords" content="YOUR KEYWORDS">
                                3.<meta name="description" content="YOUR PAGE DESCRIPTION">
                                4.<meta name="abstract" content="YOUR ABSTRACT DESCRIPTION">
                                5.<meta name="author" content="YOUR NAME">
                                6.<meta name="copyright" CONTENT="YOUR COPYRIGHT">

I hope this helps you in your (SEO) Adventure.
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